A dramatic setting
Focusing on self improvement and development is crucial to get the very best out of you and your team.
We have acknowledged this need by creating a comfortable atmosphere to bring out the very best in you.
You'll never be in a more relaxed state, feeling refreshed with a renewed self belief.
An historical location
Prydale's seven acres is within the unspoilt North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Lead has been mined in this area since Roman times. The village of Rookhope has its own rich history, and is now a diverse rural community.
Sample for yourself the refreshing spring water from Prydale's very own ancient spring.
Deluxe accommodation
Our converted barn provides you with the opportunity to relax and unwind during your stay with us.
It comprises of lounge with log fire, two double ensuite bedrooms, kitchen/ diner, and fabulous panoramic views.
NB: You will be fully catered for throughout your stay!
Awakening your senses
'Witness for yourself pure untouched natural beauty'
'Hear the silence'
'Feel the peace'
'Breath in the clearest most invigorating fresh air'
'Savouring clear space to develop and change'
Active activities
During your visit, you may want to make the most of your stay by taking advantage of the full range of outdoor activities including;
- Free bike hire
- Fresh water fishing
- Canoeing & sailing
- Horse riding
- Fell walking, of course!
assets an organisation can possess