You have helped me in ways I can't begin to explain

Personal Coaching - For individuals working for a more fulfilled life

I recommended Andrew to a good friend who was experiencing work related issues. Andrew offered kind, considered advice which was non-judgemental and free from any psycho mumbo-jumbo.X is now far more happy and content with the direction of her life, and cannot thank Andrew enough for his support.

Martin Wheater

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us most.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?

Nelson Mandela

What is personal coaching?

A Personal Coach does just what a sports coach does. A Coach is a partner who helps you to train to live the life you want to personally and professionally. Someone who ensures you are accountable for your life, and that you really live up to your full potential.

Athletes and performers know about staying on track. They know they need a trained 'someone else' to help them set goals, overcome hurdles and work effectively towards their ultimate targets of excellence.

Who will benefit most from coaching?

Ideally you recognise yourself in one or more of the following...

  • I am doing well but sense there's more
  • I want a better balance between work and play
  • I am the owner or dominant partner in a practice
  • I am often stressed and have little time to be objective
  • I want to understand my team better and work more closely with them
  • I am facing changes in my life and want to make sure I reach my goals
  • I want personal development to perfect who I am, not change who I am

Why use a coach?

Coaching is a relatively new concept in the UK but a fully recognised profession abroad. A coach is not affected by company politics and is distanced enough to enable a balanced view of decisions.

The client and coach are partners. Your coach listens to you, points out connections, shares some powerful skills and focuses on what is really important to you. Your coach takes you through the changes you want to make and supports you in achieving your targets.

Coaches listen, encourage, help, form partnerships and work with you as you take action.

Working with a coach is a great way for you to...

  • Achieve an even greater focus
  • Set & achieve even more challenging goals
  • Eliminate rather than tolerate negatives & hurdles
  • Accelerate your personal & professional development

What will we do together?

  • I will assist you in setting goals and addressing your attitudes, skills and actions needed to achieve them.
  • I will ensure that your goals are aligned with your core values in the key areas of your life.
  • I will challenge you to continually examine new approaches & behaviours to heighten awareness and maintain momentum.
  • I will provide a “safety zone” in which your performance is mutually examined with openness and trust.
  • I will help you find the root causes for you not getting exactly what you want, overcome them and ensure you have evidence of your success.