Psychotherapy and Coaching Client Information

If the statement, 'It is never too late to be what you could have been' strikes a cord with you and you need someone to help you 'be' then Andrew Pearce is the person to call.

Colette Stroud


I am an Accredited Psychotherapist with over 750 hours of NLP & related training including Practitioner, Master Practitioner , Trainers Training and Clinical Hypnotherapy. I have a Diploma in NeuroLinguistic Psychotherapy . I have also acted as an Assistant on Practitioner and Masters programmes. During my career in Personnel and Training Management I specialised in facilitating change in others . I am a member of NLPtCA & a UKCP Registered Psychotherapist.


I have had over 15 years experience working with individuals in organisations and in Personnel Management and Training. Since 1999 I have worked as a freelance Trainer & Coach and as a Psychotherapist seeing clients on an individual basis.

Code of Ethics

NLP Psychotherapy has a strict ethical code built into its methods of practice and additionally as a member of NLPtCA , I agree to abide by their code of ethics and conduct as well as those of UKCP.


Good therapeutic practice recommends that regardless of how well qualified or experienced a therapist is regular supervision of cases is essential. I receive my supervision on a regular basis which helps ensure therapeutic standards are maintained.

Confidentiality & Data Protection

All information is treated as confidential with the following exceptions: a) Where minors (under 16) are involved b) When I believe you are a danger to yourself or others c) If disclosure is ordered by a judge, coroner or other official having such powers. Where possible I would inform you before disclosure. I understand that data from CORE™ will be used for research. No 3rd party will have access to any personal data provided by me which makes the information identifiable to me and that I will not be identified in any way in anything that is written or reported about the research. During corporately funded work all requests for information will be referred to the individual to discuss or not with the sponsor.

Therapeutic Process

The initial meeting provides both of us with the opportunity of deciding whether we wish to work together and to discuss your outcomes for the consultation. We would then agree an appropriate number of sessions and at the end of this period we jointly assess progress and decide what further action may be needed. If we are not to work together I assist (wherever possible) by providing alternative therapists and agencies to contact.


To ensure continuity during sessions and for other busy times, I have a 24 hour telephone answering service which I encourage clients to use when I am not personally available. Should I need to contact you, say for example at work, I simply leave my name and number should you be unavailable.

How can NLP and psychotherapy help me?

NLP is based on the constantly updated study of the way experience is coded and can be interpreted through language patterns and physiological changes. Specific techniques enable clients to experience the effects of conscious and unconscious patterns of behaviour, memories and goals, and initiate opportunities for lasting change which are monitored by observable results.

The number of consultations varies according to the client and their requirements although the total time is usually brief compared to traditional therapeutic methods. A high priority is given to ensuring that the client ends each session in a positive and resourceful state.



For individuals payment (cash or cheque) is made at the end of each session. Please make cheques payable to PRYDALE PARTNERS.

Sessions last for 60 minutes or multiples thereof. If you are late arriving for a session we still terminate at the usual time.