A good coach is one of the greatest
assets an organisation can possess

Case Study - Private Osteopathy Clinic

Andrew has worked with a friend of mine and really helped drag them away from the fire and back to their old, bouncy self. Thanks Andrew!

Dave Gibson

The owner wanted to develop his business by creating an environment which improved the experience of the visiting client prior to and during treatment - leading to clients choosing to continue to use the clinic's services and word-of-mouth referrals


  • interviews with team members to identify concerns and current skill level
  • in-house one-day coaching in effective communication skills for 10 people

We explored and developed working practices, using verbal and non-verbal communication skills, for the purpose of developing greater levels of rapport within the team and with external clients.


  • participants expectations were exceeded (see Our Clients section of website), business has continued to develop

Follow up:

  • Periodic individual coaching to review progress against individual objectives.