Case Study - National Personal Counselling Charity

Andrew has worked with a friend of mine and really helped drag them away from the fire and back to their old, bouncy self. Thanks Andrew!

Dave Gibson

Regional Training Manager had identified benefits of Neuro Linguistic Programming from a personal perspective and organisational perspective. Idea was to improve capability of trainers to deliver development programmes for volunteers.


  • Team of 6 trainers and regional trainer, issues were lack of confidence in their own abilities as trainers.


  • Develop a common framework and approach so that they were able to recognise their own skill base and have a consistency in delivery.
  • Half-day informal workshop exploring views and existing competencies and set parameters and agreed a model for a consistent approach whilst allowing individual interpretation and creativity.


  • Very positive immediate reaction however benefits continued to be measurable 6 months, 12 months and 24 months resulting in an almost permanent positive behavioural change in the trainers